Power BI Dax Functions
ADDCOLUMNSADDCOLUMNS(table, new_column1, expression1, new_column2, expression2, ...)Adds new columns to a table based on expressions.
ALLALL(table)Removes filters from a table or columns.
AVERAGEAVERAGE(table[column])Calculates the average of values in a column.
AVERAGEXAVERAGEX(table, expression)Calculates the average of an expression for each row in a table.
BLANKBLANK()Returns a blank or null value.
CALCULATETABLECALCULATETABLE(table, filter1, filter2, ...)Evaluates a table expression with modified filters.
COALESCECOALESCE(value1, value2, ...)Returns the first non-blank value from a list of expressions.
CONTAINSCONTAINS(table, table[column], value)Checks if a column contains a specific value.
COUNTDISTINCTCOUNTDISTINCT(table[column])Counts the number of distinct values in a column.
COUNTROWSCOUNTROWS(table)Counts the number of rows in a table or table expression.
CROSSFILTERCROSSFILTER(table1[column], table2[column], filter_type)Defines a filter direction between two tables.
CURRENTGROUPCURRENTGROUP()Returns the current row group in a table.
DISTINCTDISTINCT(table[column])Returns a table with unique values from a column.
EARLIEREARLIER(column)References a column value in the current row.
EARLIESTEARLIEST(table[column])Returns the earliest value in a column.
FILTERFILTER(table, condition)Returns a table that includes only rows that meet the specified condition.
GENERATESERIESGENERATESERIES(start_value, end_value, [step_value])Generates a table with a series of numbers.
GROUPBYGROUPBY(table, column1, column2, ...)Groups rows and performs aggregations on grouped data.
HASONEFILTERHASONEFILTER(table[column])Checks if a column has a single filter context.
IFIF(condition, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])Returns one value if a condition is true and another if it's false.
ISEMPTYISEMPTY(value)Checks if a value is empty and returns TRUE or FALSE.
KEEPFILTERSKEEPFILTERS(expression)Preserves existing filters while evaluating an expression.
LASTDATELASTDATE(table[column])Returns the latest date from a column.
LEFTLEFT(text, num_chars)Returns the leftmost characters from a text string.
LENLEN(text)Returns the number of characters in a text string.
MAXMAX(table[column])Retrieves the maximum value from a column.
MAXXMAXX(table, expression)Calculates the maximum of an expression for each row in a table.
MINMIN(table[column])Retrieves the minimum value from a column.
MINXMINX(table, expression)Calculates the minimum of an expression for each row in a table.
NOWNOW()Returns the current date and time.
OROR(logical1, logical2, ...)Returns TRUE if any of the logical expressions are TRUE.
RANKXRANKX(table, expression, [value], [order], [ties])Assigns a rank to each row in a table based on an expression.
RELATEDTABLERELATEDTABLE(table)Returns a table of related records.
RIGHTRIGHT(text, num_chars)Returns the rightmost characters from a text string.
SELECTCOLUMNSSELECTCOLUMNS(table, new_column1, expression1, new_column2, expression2, ...)Creates a new table with selected columns and expressions.
SUBSTITUTESUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])Replaces occurrences of a specified substring with another substring.
SUMSUM(table[column])Calculates the sum of values in a column.
SUMMARIZESUMMARIZE(table, column1, column2, ...)Creates a summary table with aggregated values.
SUMXSUMX(table, expression)Calculates the sum of an expression for each row in a table.
SWITCHSWITCH(expression, value1, result1, value2, result2, ...)Performs a series of tests and returns the result for the first true condition.
TRIMTRIM(text)Removes leading and trailing spaces from a text string.
UPPERUPPER(text)Converts text to uppercase.
USERELATIONSHIPUSERELATIONSHIP(table1[column], table2[column])Specifies a relationship to be used in a DAX expression.
VALUESVALUES(table[column])Returns a single column table of unique values from a column.
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